Singing Workshops

Vocal Fun Workshops With The Opera Dudes!

Singing Workshops for allcomers

The Opera Dudes bring their unique skills, energy and sense of fun to these interactive workshops for all age groups and all standards. Perfect for team-building, confidence-boosting and an energising new experience; participants are introduced to simple harmony and group singing and learn some basic vocal techniques from these masters of the genre. Learn to sing better, learn to breathe better and forget your worries for a couple of hours. No experience necessary - a sense of fun essential!

Watch our sample workshop video:


Online Vocal Fun Workshops!!

Since lockdown, the Dudes have been combining their different skills and passions in online delivery of workshops and performances to a number of different groups. Recently, we developed a programme of workshops for a Rural Touring organisation culminating in an online performance. The workshops included writing a song about the local area using idea from the participants.



Workshops include physical and vocal warm-ups, singalongs as well as learning rounds and part-songs. Participants can take part standing or sitting down and the mute button ensures no one need be self conscious. Workshop length can be varied to suit need.


About Us

The Opera Dudes, Tim and Neil, are hugely experienced workshop leaders and animateurs with over 15 years' experience of delivering for a wide range of organisations


Streetwise Opera 

An award-winning performing arts charity for people who are or have been homeless running creative programs in five regions across England.

Voice Choice 

An artist-led organisation that uses singing and opera as a source for inventive and creative projects, introducing participants to new artistic and creative experiences that they might previously have thought beyond their reach.

The Opera Dudes run team-building workshops for corporate organisations, for teachers and for community organisations. 

They have designed and delivered projects with special needs children in therapeutic schools as well as for adults with learning disabilities.